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Extra Push For ADHD To Be Added To The NDIS
ADHD Rates Rising: Calls For ADHD To Be Added To The NDIS
Adults with ADHD are ‘not getting the support’ they need
New data shows ADHD medication for children doubled in the last year | 9 News Australia
Number of people diagnosed with ADHD on the rise
Children are being diagnosed with autism more severely to secure NDIS funding
Only one in five adults are ‘recognised’ to have ADHD
ADHD prescriptions double within a decade in Australia | 9 News Australia
ADHD needs to be NDIS funded!!
ADHD diagnoses on the rise in Australia | ABC News
Concern millions of Australians with disability not on the NDIS have been 'forgotten' | ABC News
New research finds decline in efficiency with the misuse of ADHD medication